Friday, 15 February 2013

Stay true, stay strong.

I have grown up listening to my family saying stay true to yourself, stay strong. Life will always throw challenges and tests at you but hold your head high, be yourself and you can get through anything. The importance of staying honest to yourself is an important lesson. 

For me, my faith plays an important role in who I am. Faith forms the foundations of my life providing the values and lessons that guide me. I am not one to preach or even one to go to church every week. However, I am a practicing Catholic and I practice my faith through the work I carry out each day. Through the way I treat other people, the many causes I am involved in, and my outlook on life. 

Throughout history, people have had to stay true to themselves and their faith. Whether it be significant historical events or debates regarding your church or religion, there will always be something to test who you are. For me, my faith has been tested once again.

The debate of logic versus faith is an ongoing one. One that I believe shall never be won. I am all for logic however you cannot compare faith and logic. Faith is more than logic; it is more than what can be imagined. Faith is just that, faith. 

When religious figureheads are the centre of controversy, it is important to remember that they are people. Those that practice hate, lies and violence are not true to their faith or religion. You can not condemn an entire faith on the actions of one individual. Nor can you point the finger at one church. It is unfair and would not achieve anything. 

I understand where my friends come from with their words and carefully thought out arguments. I respect people who stand up for what they believe in. However, we should not disrespect others for their beliefs or show contempt for those we believe act unjustly. Instead we should educate and lead by example. Let us practice equality, social inclusion and justice for all through our daily actions. Imagine what a world we could create together.

I recognise not all people follow a religion, in fact many of my friends are atheists, but I encourage you to stay true to what makes you who you are. Values of peace, love and compassion for others should be the fundamentals of any being on this earth. Stay true to these and stay strong.  

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