Saturday, 23 June 2012

We are all individuals

"Today you are you. That is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you!"
~ Dr. Seuss

One of the biggest quests in life is the search for self; to find the answer to ‘who am I?’

Society all around us tells us to be this and that. In high school, the pressures of trying to fit in and be the same as everyone else can be even worse.

During high school I found it quite difficult to fit in properly, I guess everyone feels like this as we try and find out who we are.

I had friends but sometimes it can be difficult to truly fit in when they don’t understand your sense of humour, or hobbies or your general nerdiness.

Nowadays, I have found many places where I feel I truly belong.

How? By embracing who I am and not letting society dictate who I am.

I am my family and friends, my passion for justice and a little bit of quirky nerdiness mixed in.

I am that girl who will fight for others when I see injustice.

The girl who will reference Doctor Who whenever there’s a chance.

The girl who will silly dance with children or by herself.

By embracing who I am, I have found friends who are just as quirky as me. Friends who get super excited over quoting Harry Potter in their exam or by free comic book days, friends who are obsessed with puppets or share my passion for peace and friends who love to join in with my silly randomness.

So my advice to you all is to disregard society’s so-called norms and embrace what you are passionate about. At the end of the day, we are all individuals.

Be proud of who you are!

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