Saturday, 12 May 2012

Feeling well below the line...

This past week has got to be one of my roughest weeks, emotionally and physically and everything in between.

I have had tears, headaches and overall exhaustion resulting in poorly written pieces of work and many long naps.

Two dollars is really not a lot of money if you think about it.

It is almost like some impossible battle of physical combat to make that two dollars stretch so you have enough to live on each day.

It’s tough.

I only did the Live Below the Line challenge for five days but it was my choice.

Knowing that 1.4 billion people in our world live like this every day is beyond frustrating.

In our world we have enough resources and food to support our neighbours yet many go hungry.

So this is why so many thousands across Australia participated in this challenge; to raise awareness and funds for our neighbours, for these people living in extreme poverty.

Together we can make a difference.

Collectively, $1,616,123 has been raised so far. It is just amazing!

This money will go towards the Oaktree Foundation and their work in Papua New Guinea.

Funds will help to support programs for young women and men where they will receive life skills and vocational training.

Helping people help themselves out of the cycle of poverty.

If you would like to support the Live Below the Line campaign, please head to to donate. Every little bit counts.

Thank you for all of you who have supported me during this campaign especially my family who put up with my cranky moods, my friends for letting me drool as they eat their own meals and for the amazing people of The Evening Cast who are collecting donations at their next gig.

Together we can break this cycle of poverty! 


  1. Congratulations Tara! I have been trying to rack my brain around the idea of living on $2 a day and I can't think of what I would eat.
    Please provide your 5 day gourmet - $2 a day menu.

    1. Hello Christina! Thank you for your comment. I am in the process of typing up what my weekly "gourmet" menu looks like with photos. My staples for the week included oats, rice and lentils but I'll post my food diary tomorrow. Peace, Tara
