Thursday, 19 April 2012

My Captain Planet

Zac Power.

It has the ring of a superhero’s name.

For anyone that knows this amazing guy, you would agree that his name truly suits him; Zac Power is Geelong’s own Captain Planet.

For as long as I have known Zac he has been a huge advocate for the environment. He educates the community about environmental issues, involves himself in many campaigns and leads by example in the personal choices he makes.

Two years ago, Zac threw himself into the work of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition and has not looked back. Only last year, he initiated the AYCC Geelong group and has been working on building and strengthening group relations, community support and environmental awareness within the community.

He is, and always will be, committed to creating an environmentally just and sustainable world.

It is for these reasons, that I am proud to congratulate Zac on being able to hold high the Youth Environment Award from the Impetus Youth Awards.

I feel so grateful to have met such an inspiring, passionate and dedicated young person.

One, who I can also call my friend.

I know that no matter what the future holds, Zac will always be standing up for what he believes is right within the community and advocating for a sustainable environment.

Zac, you are my Captain Planet.

You will change our world! 

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