Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love isn't just for lovers

Often in the lead up to days such as St. Valentine’s Day we can get caught up in the commercialism or simply write off this day forever.

However, St. Valentine’s Day is simply a day of love.

So where do we begin when defining ‘love’?

To me, love is not just something to be shared and celebrated amongst lovers.

There is love between a child and parent.

Love between friends.

Love between cousins.

Love between neighbours.

Two of the sweetest Valentines I have received were an Emily Bronte poem tied with a red ribbon from a dear friend of mine and two little pieces of paper with the message ‘I love you’ written in the scrawl of a gorgeous four year old boy.

I still have both these Valentines to this day as they always remind me that someone out there is thinking of me and loves me.

St. Valentine’s Day is not about sparkly jewels and chocolates but is simply a day to celebrate the love.

I choose to celebrate love in all its forms and to continue to share the love every day.

I invite you to do the same.

With a smile, a hug, a hello.

Share the love. ©

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