Monday, 27 February 2012

Farewell to Oxfam

It is a sad day for me today. Today marks my last day working in the Oxfam shop.

I shall miss all the customers who have made each day. From the woman who makes her own exquisite glass beads to the little girl today who was playing with a bendi doll and chatting away to me. I will miss you.

As my dearest cousin says “new doors are always opening when others close so keep thinking positively and look forward to the wonderful exciting future ahead”.

So although I shall no longer be working in at Oxfam, I still ask of you to buy fair trade and support this amazing organisation.

I loved my time there but now it is time for me to walk through the door and start a new chapter.

Farewell Oxfam, I shall miss you.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Taking time to be grateful

With mobile phones, constant schedules and deadlines, we often forget to take the time and just be.

To take time to breathe and to enjoy life.

To be grateful for the many things in our lives.

At the start of the year, I began a gratitude journal. Each night before bed I write down something that I have been grateful for during the day.

From something as small as being grateful for the colour green in all its shades to being grateful for all the people I can call family, my journal has helped me to truly appreciate my life.

My journal began as a way to help with my stress and to focus on the positives, a way to remind myself what is important in my life. Now I find myself looking around me all the time finding things to appreciate and be thankful for.

Today is Ash Wednesday and marks the first day of Lent. As part of my personal Lenten journey I have decided to continue my gratitude journal.

For the forty days of Lent, I shall take a photo each day of something that I am grateful for.

I really encourage you take the time each day to find something that you yourself are grateful for.

Just take a few minutes. Breathe. Enjoy life. Be thankful.

God bless xx

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Singing Happy Birthday to the Heavens

It’s raining in the car park and a woman in her neatly pressed nurse uniform hears the distressed mewing of a kitten. She looks around. She lowers herself to the ground and sees the poor drenched kitten seeking refuge underneath a car.

The rain is coming down more heavily and mixes with the oil and dirt on the ground. Without a thought for her uniform, the woman lays on her stomach and works her way under the car to save the kitten.

That’s my grandma.

Although my grandma’s not here today, I know my mum has the same kindness, the same strength and the same determination as her. I hope that I share some too.

I wish she was still with us but through family stories and my mum’s outlook on life, I know that her spirit is very much alive.

So today I sing.

I sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to the heavens.

I love you Grandma. ©

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Love isn't just for lovers

Often in the lead up to days such as St. Valentine’s Day we can get caught up in the commercialism or simply write off this day forever.

However, St. Valentine’s Day is simply a day of love.

So where do we begin when defining ‘love’?

To me, love is not just something to be shared and celebrated amongst lovers.

There is love between a child and parent.

Love between friends.

Love between cousins.

Love between neighbours.

Two of the sweetest Valentines I have received were an Emily Bronte poem tied with a red ribbon from a dear friend of mine and two little pieces of paper with the message ‘I love you’ written in the scrawl of a gorgeous four year old boy.

I still have both these Valentines to this day as they always remind me that someone out there is thinking of me and loves me.

St. Valentine’s Day is not about sparkly jewels and chocolates but is simply a day to celebrate the love.

I choose to celebrate love in all its forms and to continue to share the love every day.

I invite you to do the same.

With a smile, a hug, a hello.

Share the love. ©

Friday, 3 February 2012

Ma Vie en Vert

If I was to pick just one colour to describe my life, I would choose the colour green.

Possibly because of all the sustainability values attached to the colour green or perhaps simply because it is my favourite colour.

Green is me and I am green.

Kermit, a very wise frog indeed, said that “it's not easy being green” and I would have to agree with that at times. However in my life, green is more than just being. It has woven its way through all aspects of my life and I love it.

So here is ma vie en vert...

On my bed lays a beautiful green scalloped edge quilt which I adore. The card you can see in the heart has the following words written, a Vincentian blessing, which I read each morning and night.
May our lives be a blessing of each other. 
May our lives be an offering to each other.  
May our lives be a receiving of each other.

As many people already know, I work in at the Oxfam Shop. With the Oxfam sign, Oxfam Unwrapped and many beautiful handmade products, my work definitely embraces green.

Even our work uniform and the fair trade logo sport a little bit of green.

With green as my favourite colour I have some beautiful scarves and ribbons I that I just love to wear.

And with my ears pierced again I can finally wear many gorgeous earrings.

Even my craftiness comes out in shades of green. From the button headband I am making... my stash of gorgeous green fabrics just waiting to be played with.

I have also recently learnt how to crochet at my local Brown Owls. So here is my first granny squares edged in green which will become a scarf by winter time.

I am quite excited for our next Brown Owls meet as I have organised to make pillowcases as part of the Pillowcases for Oncology Kids non-profit organisation.

As you can see I have picked out some fun and funky prints for the pillowcases I shall be making.

I have also been busy organising a fundraiser for later this month. Based on eco, green principles I will be organising a girls’ pamper night with all proceeds going towards an overseas project in India. This is something I will definitely be posting about in the future, so keep an eye on the Peace Tree.

And who could forget, the beautiful Peace Tree in all its greenery. The Peace Tree has become a huge part of my life and I love being able to share leaves of peace with you all.

Another huge part of my life is the world of occupational therapy. This year will be my last year at Deakin before I enter the real world as a qualified occupational therapist. I have a huge year ahead of me with my honours project but I am looking forward to working with children and the brilliant Dr. Karen Stagnitti, my supervisor.

One day I hope to travel overseas and work as an OT in Britain. They have some great play therapy courses overseas as well. Ideally, I would love to work for a bit and then travel across Europe.

For now though, some green highlights from this week, include dancing along to Kermit (at home and work)...

...watching the fireworks over the bay with one of my beautiful friends...

...having some delicious vego meals (my uncle’s garden has been growing a jungle of zucchinis)...

...and my biggest highlight for this week was *drumroll* my Doctor Who Symphony tickets arriving in the mail!

Okay, so Doctor Who isn’t necessarily green...however, I am a Doctor Who nerd and so a post about my life just could not go past without at least one reference now could it?

Did I mention I am seeing the Doctor Who Symphony!?

*does hippy happy dance around the Peace Tree*

So that my dear friends is ma vie en vert.

I wish you all a peaceful green life too.

Now to go play some Uno with my family.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Welcome to the family, little one

I would like to say congratulations to my beautiful cousin Tegan who gave birth to a beautiful baby boy late last night.

Welcome to the family Nicolas William.

Already, you are surrounded by people who love you and adore you.

You have wonderful parents and an adorable older sister, who I am sure you will get into much mischief with in the future.

Nicolas, I got to know the family after many years of my childhood had passed so I am glad that they will all be a part of your life from the beginning.

Over the past ten years, I have gotten to know my cousins, aunts and uncles.

I have learnt that these people in our family will always love you and always be there to support you.

I look forward to meeting you Nicolas.

Sending you many hugs and kisses.

xoxo © oxox