Monday, 2 January 2012

Embracing the New Year

New Year resolutions. Some people shudder at the thought, others simply laugh.
Either way, I believe it’s nice to reflect on the year before and what you would like out of the year ahead.
New Year resolutions are usually the things that need to happen when you are actually ready to make them happen. Not when you feel pressured to make goals at the start of the year.
So instead of making resolutions for an entire year, how about trying them for a month?
Just thirty days.
I have learnt that if everyone makes small, sustainable actions change can happen.
Whether it’s working towards an end to extreme poverty or to learn something new, it is achievable with small and manageable steps.
So this year I am making some overall promises to myself as well as challenging myself for the month of January.
For January, I challenge myself to:
·         Play flute for at least twenty minutes each day;
·         To find two journal articles for my honours literature review each day; and,
·         To write down something that I am grateful for each day.

For me this year, I shall:

·         Continue adding leaves to the Peace Tree;
·         Continue to live a vegetarian lifestyle at least three days a week;
·         Dedicate Sunday nights to family games night and Fridays to just chilling with my friends;
·         Take up singing lessons again;
·         Continue to dedicate the 20th of each month to classics such as poetry, literature and film;
·         Get my licence;
·         Embrace the world of Medimime again; and,
·         To learn to say no. This will be my toughest one for the year as I believe life is there to be lived and I find it incredibly difficult to say no to such good causes out there. However, for my sanity during this final year of uni (and my family’s sanity) I will need to learn to say no to some things this year.
Overall, I hope that this year shall bring peace and love, friendships and family, hugs and laughter. You don’t need to make a resolution for that.
Peace to you all.

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