“…without you I would never be me, you are the leaves of my family tree…”
‘Sing Together’, Train
There are times when words never seem enough. Things happen that can totally flip your world upside down. Thankfully, love for one another can be expressed in so many more ways.
With a hug. A smile. A look.
This past week has been an emotional week around the Peace Tree. When a loved one passes away it can be easy to simply fall apart. With my family, we have pulled together. A cocoon of support. It will be tough for a while but it draws us together.
Whenever someone passes away, I find it brings so many memories of my loved ones who are no longer here. All the raw emotions from past funerals and goodbyes come swirling back and countless tears are shed and many hugs needed.
However, death is a part of life. I do know this. It does not make it easier though.
There has been so many times where I want to show my grandad something I’ve done or share with him how I am doing at university. To make up fairy tales and talk life philosophy with my dear Roly. To simply hug my great-grandad and hear his stories. To have met the wonderful women that were my Oma and Grandma.
I take comfort in knowing that they are all at peace now, an ultimate peace. I hear stories of what they were like when they were younger and I share my memories of them. People’s stories can continue to live on and without having these beautiful people in my life I wouldn’t be the person I am today. They are, and always will be, the leaves of my family tree.